Did Fort Worden Close?

Fort Worden Hospitality (FWH) ceased operations as of January 16, 2025. For more information please visit: https://fortworden.org/.

Does this mean that School can’t be at the Fort?

After working with FWH and Washington State Parks, PNWRMS was unable to negotiate a viable solution that would allow us to hold school at the Fort.

Will there be School in February 2025?

YES, The Board of Regents is pleased to announce that PNWRMS will be held at Seabeck Conference Center in February 2025.


How do I get to Seabeck Conference Center?

Seabeck Conference Center is located at 13395 Lagoon Dr NW, Seabeck, WA 98380. It is about a 1-hour drive northwest of Tacoma, WA.

When should I arrive for School?

Monday February 24, 2025 at 11:00 AM. Lunch will be provided starting at Noon to 1:00 PM during which we will be checking-in students. Class starts at 1:00 PM sharp.


Does the change in venue affect the curriculum or what we will learn?

No, the curriculum is not changing. You will experience the classes as they have been developed, and the Regents are excited to present. Come ready to learn.


Is there additional cost due to the change in venue?

There will be no change in cost for any student that is registered for 2025 school.


Is there WIFI at the conference center?

Yes, there is WIFI at the center and per Seabeck Conference Center it is campus-wide.


Is there cell service at the conference center.

As anyone can tell you just because the coverage maps show that the area is covered, there is no guarantee that you will have good coverage. The major carriers all cover Seabeck WA, but we have heard that T-mobile coverage is spotty.


can the conference center food service accommodate my dietary restriction?

Please review the Seabeck website: https://www.seabeck.org/dining. Please make sure that any dietary restrictions were included on your registration if not please let us know ASAP, via email at info@pnwrms.org.


There is not a big dormitory at Seabeck like there was for First-Year students at the Fort, what will housing look like?

There are multiple housing buildings at Seabeck CC. All First-Year students will not fit into any one building, so we will be assigning individuals to buildings/rooms.


Will I have a roommate?

As much as we would like to assign everyone their own room, it is just not possible. Some students will have to share a room. If you and another student are willing to room together, please let us know.


Is there anything close to Seabeck Conference Center?

There is a small General Store and pizzeria just outside of the center. Please make sure to bring snacks and drinks you might want; in case you can’t get what you want from the General Store. Meals and small snacks and beverages will be provided, but after-hours needs are your responsibility. 


What does this mean for the future of PNWRMS?

Over the next few months, the Board of Regents are reviewing sites and opportunities for a new home for the school. The school will endure because it is about the education and the students, and the dedication of the volunteer Regents.


What if I have concerns about attending this year’s school but have already registered?

Please reach out to PNWRMS at 253.820.5626 prior to February 10th.