All meals are provided.
For Seabeck Conference Center in 2025, meals are served family style. Limited alternative diets including vegetarian, vegan, non-celiac gluten-free, dairy-free or a combination of any of these. Gluten-free items are prepared in a common kitchen. While we take steps to minimize the likelihood of gluten exposure, we cannot guarantee that any menu item is completely gluten-free. Customers with celiac or extreme gluten sensitivities should exercise judgment in deciding whether to consume these items or bring their own food.
Guests with other dietary needs are encouraged to bring supplemental foods. There is a refrigerator and microwave in the dining room for guest use. The Inn Lobby has coffee and tea available at all hours while guests are on the grounds. There is a soda and snack machine located on the Inn porch by the Pavilion. Proceeds from this machine are donated to the Seabeck Food Pantry.
If you do bring snacks, please keep them in closed containers when not using them. Seabeck is in the woods and there are lots of critters out there that would love to have you share with them.